Valuable info, resources with Hawaii Destination Specialist Program  – Travelweek

TORONTO — Agents can boost their knowledge of all things Hawaii with The Official Hawaii Destination Specialist Program.

The online program is a tiered and self-guided educational program delivering in-depth knowledge and insights into the Hawaiian Islands, plus effective sales tips.

“The Official Hawaii Destination Specialist Program delivers valuable benefits that make your job easier … and more profitable,” says Hawaii Tourism Canada.

Agents can log on to and find the following info …

  • Cultural resources
  • Language and dictionary
  • Festivals and events
  • Marketing tools
  • eNewsletters
  • Interactive maps
  • Itinerary suggestions for every kind of traveller

Agents who complete the program can take advantage of a wide range of perks, including …

  • FAM invites
  • Aloha Canada events invites
  • Valuable consumer referrals
  • Access to specialist-only webinars
  • Use of the Hawaii Destination Specialist Badge
  • Continuing education credits from the Travel Institute
  • 1-year subscription to HAWAII Magazine
  • Opportunity to be considered for an in-destination Master Specialist Program
  • For additional program details and to get started go to

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Silversea’s S.A.L.T. program adds flavourful dimensions to every itinerary  - Travelweek

Thu Dec 23 , 2021
ONBOARD SILVER MOON — The Garifuna dancers flashed their skirts high, kicking up heels and swivelling hips in the seductive fertility dance of their ancestors, raising cheers from me and the small audience who’d come to engage in their culture. Descendants of the indigenous Afro-Caribbean people who found refuge from […]

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